Here is a receipt for friction polish, also known as OB Shine Juice that I got from Cap’n Eddie Castelin some years ago and still use frequently today.
Mix 1/3 Boiled Linseed oil 1/3 white shellac and 1/3 denatured alcohol in a small bottle with a tight lid. Don’t put it in a spray bottle as the alcohol will evaporate off very fast. One of these 3 oz plastic travel bottles you can buy at the drug store works great. I would only make 3 ounces at a time unless you use a lot of finish. I draw three lines on the bottle at 1″ 2″ and 3″ inches and add each ingredient to the line. That will keep your finish fresh. Put a small amount on a paper towel with the lathe turning slow and cover the entire piece turn the speed up, and continue to apply coat after coat until you have 6 to 10 coats applied, adding a little more polish to the towel with each pass. Let this dry for 24 hours and then topcoat your piece with your preferred final finish — nice stuff and pretty easy to get a great shine.
When you are done using your friction polish, take a piece of masking tape and put it at the level of the fluid in the bottle. When you want to use the polish again, look at the fluid level, and if it is below your tape mark, add enough alcohol to bring the level back to the tape mark and shake well. Alcohol will evaporate even with the lid closed, and you want the ratio of the oil, alcohol, and the shellac to stay the same, or your finish will not dry correctly.