Join Us for Open Shop Days

You’re invited to make a reservation to join us at the club to turn with other members!

We offer open turning time at the club several days a month to give members the opportunity to come and turn with others. This gives members the chance to get hands-on time in an environment where there is someone available to provide assistance and offer suggestions. There are usually several members of our mentoring team available at these times to work with you. Reservations are required and can be made on the chosen date in the calendar.

We have open Shop on:

Open Turning at the SPW Club

These are all days when members can come and enjoy the camaraderie of other turners and get some informal mentoring. Members are also welcome to make arrangements with another member to meet them at the club during open shop time to work on a project or a problem they are having. You must sign up in advance.

You are welcome to bring in a project you are working on or you can join us in turning the items we sell at various fundraising events.  Working on fundraising projects provides valuable skill-building time for new turners as there is nothing like turning the same item several times to develop muscle memory.