SPW Resource Library for Members

Library Tray 1

Rose Engine Lathe, Spiraling, Pens, Kaleidoscopes, Candlesticks, Shop Tools, Wood Carving, Miscellaneous

Rose Engine Lathe
Rose Engine Lathe Ornamental Turning
Rose Engine Lathe
Rambling Rose

Spiral Stemmed Goblets
Twists and Advanced Turning

Hands Crafted Pens-the Basic
A Beginner’s Guide to Pen Turning 2 copies
Turning Pens

Wood Kaleidoscopes 2 copies

Rude Osolnik Candlesticks

Shop Tools
Bandsaw 2 copies
Jointer & Planer

Wood Carving
Frank Russell’s Power Carving

The Wood Handbook
Rhododendron Root
American Woodturner 1986-1993
AAW Who Are We
AAW Symposium 2002
AAW Sumposium 2009

Library Tray 2

Sharpening Woodturning Tools
Sharpening Ellsworth Signature Gouge

Beginner Turning (basic)
Back to Basics
Bowl Basics
Robert Sorby Tools
Aesthetics & Properties of Wood
Skew Chisel
Get Turning
The Definitive Beginner’s Guide
Taming the Skew
Foundation Course
Bowl Basics
Tools and Techniques
Getting Started Right
Tips Jigs and Challenges
NCWA Safety demo
Beginning Spindles to Bowls

Boxes with Bruce Lacy
Boxes with Richard Raffan 2 copies
Basic Box with Ray Key
Finial Box with Ray Key
Boxes, Goblets and Screwthreads
Finials with Bruce Lacy
Color It with Tim Rinehart

Hand Thread Chasing
Hand Chasing Threads Alan Batty
Secretes to by Brian McEvoys

Library Tray 3

Hollow Forms
Mastering The Large Captive Boring Bar
Hollow Forms the Easy Way
Hollow Turning
Turning the World
Natural Edged Hollow Vessel
End Grain Hollowing
Two Piece Hollow Form

Turning for Food
The Basic Bowl
Bowl Basics
Bowl Turning Techniques
Bowl Turning Step by Step
Turning a Natural Edge Bowl
Bowl Turning
Turned Bowls Made Easy
Balancing the Grain
Beyond Bowl Basics

Segmented Bowls Demo – Hoeschstetter
Master of Segmented Bowlsl/Vessels
Introduction to Segmented Turning

Bottle Stoppers
Bottle Stoppers

Elliptical Turning
Introduction to Elliptical Turning
Barbara Dill Elliptical Turning

Frank Penta Platters
Turning and Carving Square Platter

Decorative Turning
Binh Pho – 4 Discs

Library Tray 4

Joe Ruminski
Tom Crabb Pod Form
Charles Farrar Scalped Edge
Bill Dotten
Raymond Overman
Betty Scarpino
Beth Ireland
Jack Reyome
Mark Gardner (vol 1 & 2)
Elvie Jackson (Vol 1 & 2)
Bill Wallace Driftwood
Ed Pfall Scoop
Ed Pfall
Steve Russell Woodturning Projects
Turn a Hat
Spindle work and Tool Sharpening
Son of Skew
Hosaluk Wood Turning
Making a Peppermill
Turning for Fun and Profit
Router & Lathe WOW
Making a Teapot
Beyond Wood
American Woodturner 1991 – 2001

Ron Brown Project Sampler
Fancy Christmas Ornament
Lidded Boxes
Chatter Tool Methods
Pepper Mills
Acorns Gone Wild
Pens Made Easy
Spinning Tops
Bottle Stoppers
Kitchen Utensils
I have a lathe. Now What?

Jimmy Clewes A Colored Form
A Simple Hat
A Natural Edged Bowl
A Lidded Box
Multi Offcenter Box
Multi Offcenter Sculpture
Double Natural Edge

Library Tray 5

Making a Hat
Turning with Southwest Flair
A Rocking Box
Pods, Cut It Up
Making a Peppermill
Turning Wood into Lace
Pierced Ornaments
Kitchen Treenware
Turning a Small Stool
Open Natural Edge Bowls
Turning a Range Rider Hat
Spiral Into Control
Turning Projects
Door Stop/Pizza Cutter
Natural Edge Plates, Bowl, Ornaments
Artistic Turning
Turning a Wall Mirror
Richard Raffin Turning
Woodturning Projects – Rex & Kip

VHS Tapes Tray 6

Turning Wood with Richard Raffan
Turned Bowl Fundamentals – Phil Pratt
Segmented Patterns with Curt Theobald
Hollowing Endgrain with Richard Raffan
Turning Boxes with Ricihard Raffan
Turning a Range Rider – Johannes Michelsen
The Ellsworth Signature Gouge with Sharpening Jig
The AAW Who We Are – What We Offer
Bruce Hoover – Pierced Ornaments
Natural Top Hollow Vessel – Demo by Elvie Jackson

VHS Library Tray 7

03/87 Arrowmont – Allen Strif (#1)
03/87 Arrowmont – Jim Thompson (#2)
Nick Cook New Demo 1994
Rude Osolnik Demo April 1996
Ron Burlson Demo May 1996 – Rhodendron Root
Robert Rosrond Christmas Ornaments Sept 1996 Demo
Nick Cook New Demo May 2000
David Ellsworth Demo June 2000
Willard Baxter January 2001 – Bowl with Decorated Rim Thread Chasing
Bobby Clemmons Demo April 2001 – Plates, Natural Edge, Bowls, Ornaments
John Jordan New Demo – June 2001

VHS Library Tray 8

2002 AAW Natl Symposium – Providence, RI
Bobby Clemmons Demo May 2002 – Open & Natural Edge Bowls
Phil Brennion Demo Sept 2003 – Turning with a Southern Flair
Don Olsen Crotches – 2005 Carolina Symposium
Mark St. Leger – July 2006
Jim Duxbury Demo Feb 2007 – Kaleidoscopes
Betty Scarpino Demo June 2007
Chuck Cameron Demo Jan 2008 – Safety
Mike Mills Demo July 2008 – Bottle Stoppers & Fan Pulls