About Membership in SPW

Becoming a member of the Southern Piedmont Woodturners has many benefits. We hold our meetings every month on the 3rd Tuesday starting at 6:30 pm. At these meetings, you will meet many people who share this passion for woodturning. One of the wonderful things about woodturners is their willingness to share what they do and how they do it with others. We open our club a half hour before the meeting for some social time. This helps to get to know the people of your club. Everyone over the age of 10 (due to safety reasons) is welcome at our meetings and we often have several visitors. The membership of SPW is robust, so there are a lot of people here ready to help you get started or learn new skills.

At 6:30, our President greets visitors and conducts a short business meeting, keeping us up to date on the new and old business. We have a demonstrator at each meeting that shows us how he/she turns an item. During the break time, we have snacks and hold our raffle. Members bring items or wood for the raffle, and you may buy raffle tickets for $5.oo for 6 tickets. This is an excellent way for new turners to acquire a variety of wood to turn. Following the meeting, everyone helps clean up and put things away.

This is a very active club, and we participate in a variety of events; as of spring 2023, we have about 65 members. We also hold a variety of workshops and classes throughout the year.

Our club is a Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners and we recommend membership in the AAW. To become a member of the AAW visit their site at: https://www.woodturner.org/?

SPW Meeting

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