Becoming an SPW Club Mentor

Everyone who turns wood knows more about it than someone who has never turned.  Even professional turners learn something new when they go to a symposium or watch a demo or a video.  We all have something we can share with others. By becoming a mentor you are committing to spending 4 hours with the person requesting mentoring.  This can be in one session or broken up into several sessions. How you wish to schedule your mentoring time is between you and the person you will mentor.  You will receive an email with their mentoring request and contact information.  It is then up to you to contact this person and make your arrangements.  Should you receive a mentoring request and it is not a convenient time for you, simply reply to the requesting member that you are unavailable and that you will contact them when you are available.  This should be a fun experience and not a burden upon you.

If you will be unavailable for an extended period, we can put a notice on your mentor page so that you do not get requests until you are ready.

If you are interested in participating in the mentoring program, please complete the form below.

Become a Mentor

"*" indicates required fields

Mentoring profile:*
Do you prefer that the:*
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, Max. file size: 1 GB.
Upload a headshot of yourself. This will be featured on our mentor page and on your profile.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.