Submit a Resource to Our Member Resources

The thing most noticed about woodturners is their willingness to help each other and share information openly. This website can only be successful if we continue to do just that. Do you do something that is different, unique or unusual? Have you struggled through the process of trial and error to come up with a better way of doing something? Have you bought and tried several tools to finally find the one that does the job for you? Why not write an article, show us some photos or a video and share your knowledge with the other woodturners. Every time woodturners gather you learn something new. Whether you are a new turner or a professional, please don’t think that you have nothing of value to share. We encourage you all to complete the form below and share what you know so that we all may continue to learn and grow.

Resource Submission Form

If you have information you would like to share or you have found a YouTube video that you think others would benefit from, please complete this form and submit it. Tell us a bit about the video. What tools or processes does it teach?

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Your Name*

Resource Details

We will use this information to publish the resource you have shared to the website if approved. We reserve the right to edit the content.
Create a title for this resource that will help other turners know what it is about and get their attention
Type your article or tell us about the video. Who produced it? What tools or skills are taught or demonstrated in the video? Why do you feel this video is better than others on the same topic? What did you like about it.
Where can readers learn more about this resource or find it?
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