Hello, woodturners. Welcome to the Southern Piedmont Woodturners’ Newsletter. This edition covers the February and March 2024 regular meetings of SPW, held at our home in the Clearwater Arts Center and Studio on February 20, 2024, and March 19, 2024, respectively.

February 2024 Club Business
Club President Phil Goodman called the meeting to order at 6:28 with 26 persons present, including 1 guest. Phil kicked things off with a few short announcements:
• 2024 dues are $55 annually and are now payable for 2024 – if you have not paid your dues yet, please do so ASAP.
• We have been invited to visit Cannon School and Winecoff Elementary School, so we need tops to distribute.
• Election of officers—The current VP (Ric Erkes) and Treasurer (Cindy Boehrns) have decided not to continue as officers, so we are looking for replacements for the ballot at the next election in July. Phil is also looking to step aside, as he has now served as President for 7 years. Additionally, we need a club photographer and mentors for the open-turning sessions.
• Raffles—Items are needed for the monthly raffles.
• Health updates: Claude Shealy is recovering from knee replacement surgery, and Cindy Boehrns is recovering from a broken wrist.
• The Delta dust collection system has been sold for $250, which goes into the club treasury.
• For anyone interested, we have a hat stretching stand that is available.

March 2024 Club Business
President Phil Goodman called the meeting to order at 6:30, with 25 in attendance, including the evening’s demonstrator and one guest, Rusty West.

Sarah Gay, Director of the Clearwater Arts Center and Studio, attended the meeting for a short period to discuss an upcoming funded grant for an art exhibition that will be held at Clearwater on Saturday, March 30. It is open to artists from Cabarrus and surrounding counties, and up to 4 $1000 prizes will be awarded. For additional information, go to clearwaterartists.com

Phil announced that the club wants to pull together a table of 10 to attend the Art Council’s annual fundraising breakfast. It will be held on May 1 at 7:00 at a location to be announced. Breakfast is by donation of your choice. If interested in attending, please call Phil.
For other business discussed at the meeting, see the items addressed above for the February meeting, particularly the discussion on tops for kids and A/V operators.