News & Updates from Southern Piedmont Woodturners
Welcome to the first edition of the newly restarted Newsletter of the Southern Piedmont Woodturners. The Southern Piedmont Woodturners came together on Tuesday, August 15 at our home in the ClearWater Arts Center and Studio for the August general meeting. We had (as best I could count) 27 people in attendance, including 2 guests.
Club President, Phil Goodman, called the meeting to order at approximately 6:35. Phil then enthusiastically demonstrated that the new dust collection system is, as of the morning of the meeting, up and running. Several good-hearted jabs were distributed to members about not getting too close – might lose your wig, or shoes, etc., etc. And don’t count your money while the system is on. Thanks to the City of Concord for the grant that enabled the purchase and installation of the dust collection system – outstanding.
Additionally, Phil reported that a worker was having issues in the club room because of allergies to wood. Phil switched on a couple of the overhead air circulation/filter systems, and that alleviated the problem. So, everything is working.
Phil also briefly went over the upcoming Cabarrus County Fair and SPV involvement. Briefly, it runs from September 8 through the 16th. Equipment prep will be done at the Center on 9/6, with setup at the fairgrounds on 9/7. We need volunteers for any number of activities including prepping equipment, loading and transport to the fairgrounds, setup, sales, turning, breakdown, and transport back to the Center, plus other activities. Be on the lookout over the next few days for the Fair sign-up roster, needs for the Fair, and other important information about the Fair. Please respond with your availability to work the Fair as soon as possible to Phil.