Anne Ogg – Turning Miniatures

It’s all about tool control!  Anne Ogg will be our demonstrator this month.  If you have ever tried turning something small, you know you have to get the details right.  Anne will be demonstrating how to turn a 1:12 scale reproduction of a period antique.   I’m sure some homemade tools will be involved.

Anne Ogg is a juried member of the International Guild of Miniature Artisans and she teaches woodturning at UNC Asheville in SkillSet, a community outreach program that began in 2018 as a shop class for girls and now expands its reach to all members of the community. She is a current board member and past president of Carolina Mountain Woodturners, the largest chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. She has demonstrated for clubs in Tennessee and North Carolina.

It is always best to experience the demonstration and gallery live in the studio, but if you can’t make it, it will be on Zoom.  (Ric Erkes wants to apologize for last month’s Zoom difficulties.  It was a technical glitch that he believes has been solved.)

The Zoom link is new, so be sure to use this one!

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